Joined: 30 Sep 2023 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2023 3:19 am Post subject: |
You are soooo welcome! Actually, the Coronado IS near the Metro Centre. About 5 or so blocks north on Main St. If you can get to the Metro, go north past it. I am assuming that you will be coming in via the bypass. If you want, just follow BUS 20 ( State St.) in and that will take you close to the Coronado. Follow State St. to Wyman St. - the street B4 you cross the river. Look for a highrise apartment building - the Luther Center on your left. At that light, turn left. Go two lights, to Jefferson St. At that light, you can turn left to the first light (one block). Turn right and you will see the Coronado. There is a parking deck right across the street - I think it is like $3.00 to park. Or you can find street parking. When you get there, PLEASE look me up so I know that you got there OK. I can then give you directions home. I hope to see ya there!
Karen  |