Bush or Kerry |
Bush |
86% |
[ 20 ] |
Kerry |
13% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 23 |
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Joined: 15 Jun 2023 Posts: 621 Location: Garden City MI
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2022 9:14 pm Post subject: |
keturahhro wrote: | ok many things: ok i watched a voting thing on MTV it was about drug wars. it said
bush supports "christian" drug theapy. and kerry supports it but of it
doesnt descrinate. they inteveiwerd a head of one kind of this theary.
hes the mtv achor asked if other religons can come. hes like yea as
long as they exept god and read the bible, and hes like b/c EVERYONE
exepts christ! and then the achor asked if they exept homosexuals hes
like yeah, but they usally convert and discover there sexuality! umm
if you can just b/c straigt/bisexual from being gay-why do we still
have hatered and why do we say people didnt chose to be gay! this is
stupid! o and so to bust this one dealer they set him up and made him
sell 7g of coke, and whats his punishment? he gets the manidtory
minimum sentence for 7g- he used to sell only 3g. so he gets charged
for a sting! the point: why charge someone more then they need/ why
chared them for the sting!!!
i atleast hope bush gets nothing done he said hes gonna,
b/c he got nothing done last time in terms of what he said! and im
:)ing sick of the preachery, its like WWII germany all over again:
he thinks everyone is christian or so has to follow thast belif. |
hmm, sounds like a load of BS to me..
Politic news form MTV?
Sorry (<3) but I dont think Bush is like that. I don't think that just because hes a Christian, that hes trying to get everyone to be a Christian (or else)
He won, so its over now! *huge sigh of relief* _________________
AIM- x Auf Achse 5 or CrysOvrSpilldMLK |
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Joined: 27 Aug 2023 Posts: 688
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2022 10:24 pm Post subject: |
its weird that everyone in my school was soo hyped about the election and were all canadian! _________________ somepeople think im obsessed but its just love |
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Joined: 11 Sep 2023 Posts: 561 Location: Vista, CA
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2022 7:14 am Post subject: |
Ralph wrote: | its weird that everyone in my school was soo hyped about the election and were all canadian! |
Not weird � the prez of the US affects the whole world. They're lookin' for the good guys to win, too! _________________ Susan, the old neighbor
Josh Fan Since Day One
"May Josh Rule The Airwaves Forever!" |
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Joined: 09 Jun 2023 Posts: 322 Location: northern VA
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2022 12:40 pm Post subject: |
maybe the canadians were hyped cuz now all the democrats wanna move to canada.. LOL _________________
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Joined: 29 Jun 2023 Posts: 1044 Location: Hampton Roads, Virginia
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2022 3:58 pm Post subject: |
jeanay wrote: | maybe the canadians were hyped cuz now all the democrats wanna move to canada.. LOL |
ROFL _________________
http://www.freewebs.com/fanofjoshgracin/ |
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Joined: 09 Jun 2023 Posts: 726 Location: St. Louis, MO.
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2022 1:10 am Post subject: |
I personally am glad Bush won. If I remember correctly, if Kerry would've won, he'd bring back the draft. Not that I'm against serving for our country, but because I'm working really hard for my education right now and where I want to be in life.
I don't agree with what everything Bush does, but I do know he is a good person and being from his state, Texans are very good people and are true to their heart. I was born a Republican and will always be one. I was a huge fan of his daddy as president and I'm glad Bush is gonna be our president for the next four years. Plus, I always believe in the saying, "Finish what you start" - not saying it to be rude in any way but that would be like me leaving my plate of food on the table for someone else to pick up. As they always say though, the second term will always turn out better than the first.
I also post on this other message board and we were discussing this and I was truly amazed at how many people wanted Kerry to win. This one girl posted and said she is an Iraqi and lives in America now and she said she'd rather live under Saddam's power than Bush's any day. I was truly amazed to see that kind of response. I'm just thankful to be under Bush's wing once again and he definitely knows how to take serious action when these kinds of things happen. I personally think if Kerry would've won, he wouldn't have a darn clue on what to do and that he'd let terrorists in this country. Something I'm sure everyone is still fearing.
I will always support Bush no matter what he does... even if I agree or disagree with his actions.
And I would like to say please pray for John Edwards' wife, she has just been disgnosed with breast cancer. I never wish ill on anyone and lord knows this is a very serious disease that is never cureable. My mom has been through the tough times of this disease and I pray to god that I don't get it. _________________ -Holly-
JG.com Moderator |
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Joined: 09 Jun 2023 Posts: 322 Location: northern VA
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2022 12:47 am Post subject: |
kerry would not have brought back the draft.. he was against the vietnam war draft and he and edwards both repeatedly said that there would NOT be a draft if they were to be in office.. i don't really like kerry that much but i tended to agree with his policies more than bush's
i think bush would be a much more effective president if he replaced many of his cabinet members such as rumsfeld and listened to colin powell more often. colin powell is the most moderate of them all and the most willing to adopt policies even though they might not be super-conservative. i think colin powell's wide range of views allows him make wiser decisions that most everyone would agree with and be happy with. its too bad that he has to put up a fight against the other ultra-conservative Cabinet members. it is important to be willing to consider ideas that may not be totally aligned with their conservative ideologies in order to make wiser decisions from a more objective point of view. if colin powell ran for president under the republican ticket, i'd vote for him over any democrat even though i am more of a democrat. i think he's a very reasonable person and i have a tremendous amount of respect for him.
i honestly think bush should have gotten rid of rumsfeld after the whole prisoner abuse scandal.
it really doesnt matter now; i just hope that bush will make some wiser decisions this term and consider other viewpoints that may not be as conservative as those of his Cabinet members. i think he would unite the country and be able to make better decisions if he replaced some of his Cabinet members with more moderate ones.
it's really going to be hard for bush to unite the country because it was split in the first place not because people liked kerry, but because they disliked bush.. it'd be much easier to unite the country if it were pro-bush/pro-kerry rather than pro-bush/anti-bush.. LOL i dont think anyone really honestly liked kerry. i think that bush will have an easier time uniting the country if he takes into consideration some more liberal standpoints.
i hope the best for elizabeth edwards, cancer sucks =(
that's my two cents. _________________
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Joined: 09 Jun 2023 Posts: 726 Location: St. Louis, MO.
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2022 4:57 am Post subject: |
I do know the Democrats were at least thinking about bringing it back. And they do always say the second term is better than the first  _________________ -Holly-
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Joined: 08 Jun 2023 Posts: 461 Location: Eastern NC
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2022 12:19 am Post subject: |
I'm a centrist (or moderate, if you wanna call it that) and I voted for Bush, although I support gay marriage and feel very passionately about the separation of church and state. I think it would've been a bad idea to put a new president in office during a war. Despite some of my liberal views, I don't trust Kerry at all and therefore he didn't get my vote... _________________ cindy, forum admin | gracinfans.com
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Joined: 15 Jun 2023 Posts: 621 Location: Garden City MI
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2022 1:02 am Post subject: |
Cindy wrote: | I think it would've been a bad idea to put a new president in office during a war. |
Very true...
You can't win a war if you don't believe in why you're fighting in the first place... _________________
AIM- x Auf Achse 5 or CrysOvrSpilldMLK |
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