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Joined: 12 Jun 2023
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2023 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jeanay wrote:
i never said anything about taking it to the courts.. i find that a bit extreme, but i do think that the school admin should be notified or something..

and of course i know accidents happen.. im talking on a sexual harassment basis

im sorry...that's what I thought you meant...that's why I was saying what I was saying. I thought you meant taking it to the courts. I'm sorry. And yes, if that happens, the school should be notified DEFINITLY!

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Joined: 08 Jun 2023
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2023 11:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Country01 wrote:
Cindy...u make very good points also. I agree with your whole first section. But if you read what I said to Jeanay, it's the same thing. I really don't see the need to take it to the courts ENLESS the sma person does it many times. As for my comment...yes u shouldn't have to expect that...but when you are wrestling...you SHOULD expect that. I mean you are rolling on a mat either under or on top of a person. In my 2 years of wreslting, this only ever happened to me once, but you SHOULD still think about having it happen.

I don't think taking legal action is necessary unless the offense is repeated multiple times after the offender has been punished or reprimanded already. In fact, if done a second time after already being punished for it, I think the person needs a wake up call. People must be met with consequences for doing such things or else they'll never learn.
cindy, forum admin | gracinfans.com
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Joined: 12 Jun 2023
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Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2023 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cindy wrote:
Country01 wrote:
Cindy...u make very good points also. I agree with your whole first section. But if you read what I said to Jeanay, it's the same thing. I really don't see the need to take it to the courts ENLESS the sma person does it many times. As for my comment...yes u shouldn't have to expect that...but when you are wrestling...you SHOULD expect that. I mean you are rolling on a mat either under or on top of a person. In my 2 years of wreslting, this only ever happened to me once, but you SHOULD still think about having it happen.

I don't think taking legal action is necessary unless the offense is repeated multiple times after the offender has been punished or reprimanded already. In fact, if done a second time after already being punished for it, I think the person needs a wake up call. People must be met with consequences for doing such things or else they'll never learn.

1000+% agreed! at least we are on the same page now, cuz I thought ya'll were talkin' bout legal action, not school action. whew...who ever knew a quiz could turn into a debate over sexual harrassment.

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Joined: 12 Jun 2023
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2023 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
2. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
3. Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
4. Dixie Chicks or SheDiasy? Both
5. Alabama or Lonestar? Alabama
6. Rascal Flatts or Emerson Drive? Rascal Flatts
7. Summer or Winter? Summer
8. Country music or Rock n' Roll? Country
9. Truck or Car? Truck!
10. Stawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
11. Pepperoni or Mushrooms on your pizza? Pepperoni
12. Football or Soccer? Neither
13. Drag Racing or Nascar Racing? NASCAR ( Vroom, vroom, vroom, I love NASCAR! Very Happy )
14. Town or City? Town
15. Josh Gracin or Tim McGraw? Both

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Joined: 09 Jun 2023
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2023 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl, deff!!
2. Dogs or Cats? cats
3. Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
4. Dixie Chicks or SheDiasy? Shediasy
5. Alabama or Lonestar? both
6. Rascal Flatts or Emerson Drive? Rascal Flatts
7. Summer or Winter? Winter
8. Country music or Rock n' Roll? Country
9. Truck or Car? car
10. Stawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
11. Pepperoni or Mushrooms on your pizza? neither!
12. Football or Soccer? soccor
13. Drag Racing or Nascar Racing?eh...neither, lol
14. Town or City? Town
15. Josh Gracin or Tim McGraw? DUDE...JOSH, TOTTALY
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Joined: 15 Jun 2023
Posts: 442
Location: Garden City MI

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2023 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Early Bird or Night Owl? Early Bird
2. Dogs or Cats? Dogs (Cats rock though)
3. Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
4. Dixie Chicks or SheDiasy? um... Neither?
5. Alabama or Lonestar? Lonestar, because I've heard like 2 of their songs
6. Rascal Flatts or Emerson Drive? Rascal Flats... Whos Emerson drive? lol
7. Summer or Winter? WINTER!!!
8. Country music or Rock n' Roll? Rock! Ya know, Indie, Mainstream, Christian, all rock lol
9. Truck or Car? car
10. Stawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
11. Pepperoni or Mushrooms on your pizza? Neither. Just Cheese
12. Football or Soccer? soccer football=bad
13. Drag Racing or Nascar Racing? Nascar, but drag racing is awesoem to watch
14. Town or City? City (Is there a difference? lol)
15. Josh Gracin or Tim McGraw? Oh, come on! Tim McGraw! *note my sarcasm* Josh is 10000 times better!

I'm the only early bird? lol

I get in a bad mood if I sleep past 8:30 lol
Go Pop-tarts! (& Josh!)

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Joined: 10 Jun 2023
Posts: 315
Location: Missouri

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2023 6:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Early Bird or Night Owl?: Early bird... Laughing NO! Night OWL!
2. Dogs or Cats?: Aww, I like them both
3. Cake or Ice Cream?: ICE CREAM
4. Dixie Chicks or SheDiasy?: ...ehhhhh.... not real crazy about either
5. Alabama or Lonestar?: Lonestar
6. Rascal Flatts or Emerson Drive?: Rascal Flatts!
7. Summer or Winter?: I like them both for different reasons, but summer you get a longer break Wink Laughing
8. Country music or Rock n' Roll?: Different genres for different feelings and different situations
9. Truck or Car?: Neither... SUV!!!!!
10. Stawberries or Blueberries?: Don't like either... haha
11. Pepperoni or Mushrooms on your pizza?: Neither... am I weird? Shocked
12. Football or Soccer?: FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. Drag Racing or Nascar Racing? Either for me will do!: I'm not real "in" to racing... lol Laughing
14. Town or City?: either, no biggy for me.
15. Josh Gracin or Tim McGraw?: I like Tim McGraw, don't get me wrong... but COME ON Wink Laughing Laughing

- Jennifer
.:~ I like to call this my "White Trash Trailor Park Love Song" - Keith Urban ~:.

:: I love my *Saucy Aussie* ::

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Joined: 09 Jun 2023
Posts: 136

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2023 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
2. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
3. Cake or Ice Cream? Ice Cream
4. Dixie Chicks or SheDiasy? Shediasy
5. Alabama or Lonestar? Lonestar
6. Rascal Flatts or Emerson Drive? Rascal Flatts
7. Summer or Winter? Summer
8. Country music or Rock n' Roll? Both
9. Truck or Car? Car well it depends...
10. Stawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
11. Pepperoni or Mushrooms on your pizza? Pepperoni
12. Football or Soccer? Football
13. Drag Racing or Nascar Racing? NASCAR
14. Town or City? Town
15. Josh Gracin or Tim McGraw? Josh Gracin but i luv Tim too!!!
Go to www.leiningerphotos.com for motocross, wildlife, and nature photos!!! pleez!!! It's my dad's site and everything was taken by him!!!!
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Joined: 28 Jul 2023
Posts: 36
Location: alabama

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2023 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

here ya go..

1. night owl

2. dogs

3. ice cream

4. shedaisy


6. rascal flatts

7. summer

8. country!!!

9. car

10. um.. i dont like either!!

11. pepperoni

12. football

13. um.. i d/k nascar i guess

14. town

15. josh!!!

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