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Disclaimer: is in no way affiliated with Joshua Gracin, American Idol, FOX, 19 Ent., or the United States Marine Corps. This site is owned and maintained by a fan.
fans are online]
Our idol is pursuing a record deal!
Let's show him our support! WISH JOSH GOOD LUCK!
[Tuesday - September 30th, 2003] Today I have lots of updates. First, if you'll notice, in your upper right hand corner I've added a birthday countdown clock that will count down the days until Josh's 23rd birthday (October 18th). Also, I've added a Birthday Wishes thread in the new
JG.COM Discussion Forum. (Note: to post in the new forum, you must register - it's not hard!)
Yesterday I told you about the meetings Josh has next week with RCA Nashville and Dreamworks Records. Today, I've also set up the place for you to wish Josh good luck! What the future holds for Josh we don't quite know yet and can't control, but we can give him our words of
encouragement and support! There is a good chance that either he or his wife Ann will see your messages, so don't hesitate to post!
This past Sunday, Josh performed at a Milwaukee, WI YMCA event. One fan who attended, Alyx, was gracious enough to send JG.COM pictures she took, as well as a brief review of the event. The pictures are wonderful, so enjoy!
Alyx's YMCA Review Josh started performing after a corny band played, and he sang 5 songs (not in any particular order) - God Bless the USA, Only in America, I'm Already There, a Brooks & Dunn song (and that's all I can remember). He got a ton of applause for everything he did (literally). He was extremely nice and talked to the audience (about 30-40 people) and kept making jokes about the rain (it kept starting and stopping). When he was done he signed autographs for 20 minutes, and everyone got in a huge line and
he talked to every person. It was 2 hours long.
[Monday - September 29th, 2003] MAJOR UPDATES! Finally, great news! Today, Ann Gracin (Josh's wife) informed me of some extremely exciting news that you guys are going to love. I'll have more later, but I just couldn't wait until tomorrow
to deliver this news! Josh will be in Nashville next week for meetings with two record companies - RCA Nashville and
Dreamworks Records. Hopefully, this will result in a record deal!
Tomorrow I will link to a place where you can wish Josh good luck, give him words of encouragement, etc. I will also give information on the YMCA event held this past weekend in Milwaukee, WI where Josh performed. Alyx, a fan in attendance at the event, has provided
JG.COM with some great photos of Josh performing and signing autographs. She also provided a short review of the event that I will post as well!
Keep your eyes locked here at for all the latest on what our idol is up to. I have a feeling things are just getting started! I'll be back tomorrow with more updates and that place for you to wish
Josh good luck and discuss the "latest developments." Keep your Josh love alive, you won't be disappointed!