alicia's corner
March 18th, 2003 - Get ready y�all�it�s country night! (Well, and rock�)
That thank you to the troops was awesome!
Our Top Ten:
Julia Demato, Carmen Rasmusen, Kimberly Caldwell, Rickey Smith, Trenyce, Kimberley Locke, Clay Aiken, Reuben Studdard, Corey Clark, Josh Gracin
Guest Celebrity Judge: Olivia Newton John Cool beans! I love Grease!!
Josh Gracin: singing �Ain�t Goin� Down Til The Sun Goes Up� Go Josh!!! He sounds awesome!!! Josh was amazing�this was excellent!! First, and he OWNED the stage. It was all him!!
Trenyce: �I Need You� It�s a pretty song. She sounds okay. But this is not her best performance. Pretty dress too.
Kimberley Locke: �I Can�t Make You Love Me� She sounds good. I enjoyed it.
Corey Clark: �Drift Away� I thought he sounded good. But he was boring performance wise.
Carmen Rasmusen: �Wild Angels� She sounds good. I was impressed tonight. Happy Birthday Carmen! Lol I liked her performance a lot.
Rickey Smith: �??� He�s boring tonight. He doesn�t sound bad, but he was boring.
Kimberly Caldwell: �No More� She didn�t sound good in my opinion, not her best performance. And her outfit is awful.
Ruben Studdard: �Sweet Home Alabama� Good song. I think that he did a good job tonight.
Julia DeMato: �Breathe� You know, she sang well. But again, she just doesn�t look like she�s having fun. Maybe it�s just me?
Clay Aiken: �Someone Else�s Star� He�s broadway, oh so broadway. He was okay tonight, but not great or anything.
Who will be eliminated tonight??
I like the Randy dictionary�where do I pick one up??
Wasn�t Carmen cute? She was like �Josh was rockin�.�
I love their group song! �Where The Blacktop Ends� They sound great!!
The charity single is a cool thing. Where do I pick one up?
Question Time�
AWWW!!! Simon is soo sweet!!!! That was cute!!
I agree with Paula on the voting off thing.
OH MY GOSH!!! LOL!!! �Are you available Ryan?� LOL I can�t stop laughing�
Oh, and I soo knew those questions that Ryan asked�.why wasn�t I there?? I could have gotten in!!!
LOL at the �we gave them all tickets, don�t worry� Good, cause that would�ve been mean.
The group singing Lee Greenwood�s �God Bless The USA� is beautiful. I�m seriously crying. This song always makes me cry. And Josh starting it off was beautiful. It was an awesome tribute. Amazing. �The most powerful words you�ll hear on American Idol tonight.� ~ Ryan Seacrest I agree.
American Jr. Idol: Ages 6-13 So for all you youngins� (like I�m old! I really just like saying that word, but moving on�)
In the bottom 3...
Kim Caldwell
Julia DeMato
JOSH IS SAFE!!! (well, I figured, but still YAY!!)
And of course, we�ll find out the third after the break�
Rickey Smith
And saying that Julia has been in the bottom three the last couple weeks is kinda mean�true, but mean�
Rickey Smith is safe the week�
After the break (duh) we�ll find out who goes home�
Julia is going home�
Oh wow, do you see Kim?? She is a mess�I guess they were really close�I feel sorry for her�
I think it�s awesome that they�re doing it again�and I�m crying again�lol�and did you see Josh point at Ann Marie? That was soo sweet!!
A beautiful way to end the show�