Site/Webmistress Info
Site Info is formerly joshGRACiNonline. The site started out on a freeserver (Angelfire) before was bought.
Opened: January 23rd, 2003
Domain Purchased: January 25th, 2003
Domain Launched: January 28th, 2003
Layout Info
Number of Layouts: 2
Best Viewed In: 800x600 screen resolution
Layout/Site Made With: Paint Shop Pro 7, Notepad, and my own HTML knowledge
Webmistress Info
Name: Cindy Park
Age: 16
Location: North Carolina
Occupation: Junior in high school, freelance columnist for my local newspaper, and Marine Brat!
Parents: Gary (SSgt in the USMC) & Rose
Siblings: Angelina (13 yrs old) & Sophia (7 months old - she wants to be best friends with Briana!)
Favorite TV Show: American Idol! Duh! I am an American Idol fanatic. I've only missed ONE episode (this includes the first season as well), which was
the very first episode, but it wasn't by choice!
Favorite Group: Backstreet Boys (they are and always have been my biggest obsession)
Favorite Solo Artist: Josh Gracin :)
Favorite Type of Music: Pop, R&B;, and Rap, but Josh has gotten me interested in Country as well! My aunt is happy about that, I'm sure. lol
Favorite contestant from last year? I voted most for RJ Helton, but when it got down to the two, I was 100% for Kelly Clarkson. I still hope RJ gets
a record deal.
Favorite American Idol judge? I really didn't like Simon at first, but now that season two has started I am used to him and appreciate his honesty. I agree with almost
everything he says now.
Is season 1 or season 2 better? I think there was a lot more solid, bonafied talent in the first season, but Josh is absolutely amazing and that makes season 2 my favorite. Not to mention,
watching Frenchie get kicked off the way she did was entertaining. The hype over her is so hilarious.
Ryan Seacrest or Brian Dunkleman? Dunklewho?! Sorry, that guy ditched American Idol - he stinks. Ryan Seacrest is a lot cooler without his "trusty" sidekick, Dunkleman.
Why pick Josh? Just listen to him! I think that will answer this question quite perfectly!
Previous HTML experience? I've been doing sites for years now, but this is the first domain I've owned. I don't think my HTML skills are as good as they could be, but I'm just glad
I could make this site for Josh and his fans.
Why did I open the site so fast? I know some people think I'm insane for opening up this site so quickly, but there's a lot of you who don't know what the very first version of
this site looked like when it was on Angelfire. It was SO plain and simple, and pretty much only consisted of one page. It had very little information on it (I had digged up as much as I could
from my internet research). But it wasn't long at all before I was receiving lots of info about him, which only encouraged me to purchase a domain rather than keep the site on Angelfire. I had absolutely
no doubt in my mind from the first time I heard Josh sing that he would make it to the top 10. I took the risk of buying this domain when I didn't even know if he had made it to the top 32, and look where
I am now. I know Josh is going to make it, but even if he doesn't, this site will NOT close!
Note: I am of no familial relation to Josh Gracin!
I'm a FAN!
These are all the fanlistings I'm a part of. There would be more if there were more fanlistings for the people I like.
There are more here. :)
E-mail: [email protected]
AOL Instant Messenger: bombastical OR gracingirl
MSN Messenger: [email protected]